This is a beautiful khaki raincoat from Blizzand. The khaki colour as well as the design reminds us of the relationship between the brand and the French military for whom it used to produce coats (also proposed at Antan). This city trench coat was made specifically for rain and wind protection with it's polyester/cotton blend. The check pattern lining adds a touch of elegance to this very French brand. The collar can be closed and enjoyed in different ways.
The proportion is a generously oversized and long, which makes it extremely trendy.
■素材表記:表地 ポリエステル67% + コットン33% / ライニング:コットン100%
BRAND: Blizzand
Blizzandはフランスで最初に、フランス製の防水性や通気性のある高機能素材「VENTILE」(ベンタイル)生地を使ったトレンチコートを開発。その生地は、戦後のフランスで一大生産地であったフランス・ブサック(Boussac)地方で主に生産されていました。Blizzandで"Boussac Tergal"と名付けられた生地は、主にこのブサックで作られたコットンとポリエステルを混紡した革新的な生地を用いたもの。その生地はソフトでありながら強度があり、ほのかに光輝くようなエレガントさを放つとても美しい生地です。またBlizzandのコートは当時、南フランスで生産されていたそうです。
Blizzand is a French fashion brand that appeared in the beginning of the 1950s in France. The brand focused on luxury trench coats and raincoats only. Blizzand developed the first waterproof Made in France "ventile" trench coats which offered high waterproof performance and breathing fabric. The fabrics they used were sourced from Boussac, the biggest fashion producer in France after the war. Most of the fabrics used by Blizzand is "Boussac Tergal", which is an innovative blend of Cotton and Polyester developed by Boussac. The fabric is soft yet strong and beautiful with a subtle shine effect.
Blizzand coats were constructed by skilled factory workers in the south of France.